Thursday, September 26, 2019

Habanero has a baseball team!

Thanks to our generous supporters Habanero has a baseball team!  Franciso is the coach and Ayadi is the assistant.  The program is becoming more and more popular with the children.  There are 43 boys in the baseball program!  That means 43 children that are not on the streets.  The now have an alternate activity.  The program not only teaches baseball skills, but life skills,  They are learning how to work as a team regardless of personality differences and different skill levels.  They are learning a strong work ethic and what it means to discipline yourself.  To be on the team they are held to very high standards. The boys are also learning how to deal with pressure, success and failure.  They learn how to keep calm and keep their emotions in check even in the midst of fans rooting for the opposing team!

All this learning in important for any young person to learn, especially early in life.  Learning there are consequences from your actions is always beneficial.  Mistakes will happen.  Wrong choices will happen.  Why not make them on the ball field when your're young instead of in your job or your marriage?

When I was in Habanero in July I was amazed at how the baseball field was continuously being used.  There were children on the field all the time playing baseball even with no coaches and no assistants.  In 15 years of working in Habanero I've never seen that.  EVER. 

The Longview Soccer Association donated tubs of mix and match shirts that serve as our uniforms.  The boys are so proud to have the same color shirts! 

Thank you to Jenny Thompson who coordinated equipment donations from Good Sport Equipment Connection in Vancouver, WA.  Habanero has bats, balls, gloves and even catcher's equipment!

The boys are all hoping they will one day play baseball in America.  Although that might not be a reality for most of them, playing baseball in a uniform representing your little village can be pretty darn close...............

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