Monday, February 8, 2010

Here We Go Again

I leave for the DR tomorrow again. Has it really been six months since I've seen the children? In 24 hours I will be somewhere over Texas................

Thanks to all who helped with prayers and encouragement as we planned this Dental Mission Trip - And thanks to our team members who have dedicated their skills, their time, their finances and most of all their hearts to the children!

It is my goal to update the blog while I am out of the country! Let's see how disciplined I am................ Tough choices we have to make............ Hug a kid? Go to town and blog? Hug a baby? Blog?? Let's see how I handle it. Keep praying for us!


  1. I vote for HUGGING THE KIDS - you can ALWAYS blog.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you - thank you for all you do.


  2. Okay - I'm going to add another comment - this time as me, not YOU. Shoulda done this long ago -

  3. Brenda you rock....i so enjoyed myself. i can't wait to see those goregous kids you and see you soon!
