Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Amazing People - Dana Layon

You never know who is going to step up for the children…….. Dana Layon of Zen Flow Yoga hosted our first ever Yoga Day! The event was at Vancouver Yoga Center and it was a great success. All day long Dana and other instructor’s lead us onto better body/mind health via one hour Yoga sessions.

Dana also held a kids class and had over a dozen little ones bending and stretching for the children of the Dominican Republic. What a joy it was to see these children working for children less fortunate almost 4,000 miles away! Love really CAN build a bridge……….all across the world.

Thanks to Dana’s efforts – she raised almost $500 for the children. To learn more about Dana and her work with Yoga visit her website at:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Time Flies When Your're Having An Auction!

I am just wondering wht happened to the month of October? And now most of November? Hopefully during this time I have been learning to live in the moment and enjoy every one of them since they quicky pass by.

Too long since my last blog update that's for sure. We were all busy preparing for our Annual Silent Auction Dinner which was held at Colwood Golf Club in Portland Oregon on November 7th.

The evening started out with music by Ted & Debi Mahoney of "Just Us" - they did a wonderful job of setting the mood for a fun evening. Thanks to everyone that donated auction items, bid on items, set up and showed up. My heartfelt thanks to everyone of you. I am always amazed how a small group of people can put such a wonderful evening together. Moreover, how a small group of people can make such an impact on the lives of children almost 4,000 miles away.

Eleanor Roosevelt once asked "When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?" Thank you to all those tender consciences! Love & Peace to all.