Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Adopted Children

Hola again! Working late to get the 2nd blog in of the month! My teacher's from way back when were right............... Brenda is CAPABLE of doing the work, but she'd just rather socialize!

I've posted four photos of children Evergreen4kids helps to support. We provide extra food, vitamins, medical and dental care to these vulnerable children.

Brendita will be five years old in October. She has one crossed eye and one with a cataract. School is difficult because she can only see with the crossed eye. We are trying to arrange surgery for both eyes.

Benita is also five years old and from Haiti. She and her Father showed up in Habanero sleeping on the ground by the river while her Father was trying to find work. After about four months the Father decided to move on and he "gave" Benita to a Dominican family in the village. Her life was destined to be sub-servent to the other family members - at five she already swept their house and slept on the cement floor with no blanket or pillow. Our head teacher Yaneth now has custody of Benita and she is thriving in her new home.

Samuel is 1 year old and weighs just 12 lbs. We have been providing liquid vitamins and prescription formula for him since last February. He is growing but he is still fragile. Yaneth continues to check on him and Evergreen4kids continues to meet his physical needs.

Esmeralda was born to a prostitute on June 19th. At one week old the police found her hungry and naked as her Mother was stoned and panhandling in a public park. The authorities took Esmeralda into custody and the doctor at the hospital named her Esmeralda Carolina. Evergreen4kids helped a relative gain custody from the authorities by bringing the house up to standard, providing a crib and agreeing to provide for Esmeralda's basic needs.

What a blessing to be able to reach out and help these children. They are a gift from God and precious in His sight!

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